About Us
Clear Water Insights transition tools are used by business advisors and wealth managers to guide clients through the various obstacles that come with growing, selling, or passing down a business. Our assessments were designed and developed by Orange Kiwi - a leading business transition consultant for family-owned and closely-held businesses.
Years of Research.
3 Impactful Assessments.
Clear Water Insights specializes in the intersection of business and psychology. Our transition tools and assessments are based on years of practical expertise in business psychology, family systems, and business management. The result provides actionable insights for advisors and practical next steps for owners preparing for a transition.

Meet the People Behind the Assessments

Allie Taylor, PhD - Founder
Irvine, CA, USA
Allie Taylor, Ph.D. is a sought-after business psychologist, researcher, speaker, and trusted advisor. In addition to directing the science behind the assessments, Allie helps business owners and their management teams overcome transition obstacles. Her award-winning research into the psychology of owners and management teams has culminated in creating the effective assessment tools Clear Water Insights provides for business advisors.

Andrew Taylor - Founder
Irvine, CA, USA
Andrew Taylor is an accomplished business leader and consultant. After graduating with his business degree, Andrew worked with Fortune 500 clients at McKinsey and Company. Following executive roles in both New Zealand and the United States, Andrew uses his extensive experience to drive lasting change. Today his insightful and dynamic approach provides owners with the clarity, confidence, and control they are looking for.
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Peace of Mind
to Your Clients
Explore our range of assessments and learn how to guide clients to the transition outcome they truly want.